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Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers not only left the team’s season finale against the Detroit Lions with a concussion

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Montr … ams-Jersey , but he also was transported to a local hospital via ambulance for testing per a report from WFRV-TV in Green Bay.It is unclear exactly what tests Rodgers underwent at the hospital but he did return to Lambeau Field and was in the locker room at the conclusion of the Packers’ 31-0 loss to the Detroit Lions.Obviously teams never want to see their franchise player leave a game in an ambulance but when you throw in the fact today’s game has been meaningless for the past two weeks, the fact that Rodgers was even in this position becomes even more infuriating. It’s great that Rodgers wanted to play these last two games. It shows his commitment to his teammates and that is to be commended.What’s not so great is the Packers were fine with that plan and went ahead and let their star play. This is Rodgers’ third concussion since 2010 and since no two head injuries are alike, there’s no guarantee this one won’t leave any lingering effects especially as Rodgers gets older. Regardless Jake Ryan Jersey , it’s all water under the bridge now as we won’t be seeing Rodgers in any meaningful action for just over eight months when the Packers begin their 2019 campaign with a new coaching staff. Matt LaFleur oversaw the first week of his first offseason program as head coach of the Packers last week and a lot of the attention in Green Bay was on the final days of his predecessor’s tenure.An article by Tyler Dunne of reported on a variety of things that went wrong in recent years, including issues between quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Mike McCarthy that might give some people pause about stepping into McCarthy’s shoes. LaFleur didn’t hesitate to take the job in January and he said that he’s worried about how things play out in the future rather than what went down in the past.“Honestly, I haven’t put a whole lot of thought into that Lance Kendricks Color Rush Jersey ,” LaFleur said, via Albert Breer of SI.com. “I wasn’t here, so I don’t know what happened. And quite frankly https://www.thepackersfanshop.com/Davon-House-Jersey , I don’t really care what happened. All I care about is how we move forward as a football team. All I care about is the partnership that we’re forming, how that goes, and our communication. That’s all I really care about.”LaFleur may not be obsessing over the past Bryan Bulaga Jersey , but he knows his relationship with Rodgers is “critical.” He said that he enjoyed every second of their first week working together and the hope in Green Bay will be that things continue to flower in a way that avoids any need for another article about how things inside the building went sour.

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Bonjour, je suis rédacteur web et spécialiste en SEO, passionné d'informatique depuis au moins 30 ans, disons depuis l'âge de 15 ans. Ce blog a été pensé il y a dix ans, depuis le village de Pérignac 17800, en Haute Saintonge (Jonzac), il avait été imaginé à la base pour décrire son rôle, qui était de parler du web, en Français, à un moment crucial où la transformation digitale commençait à se généraliser. J'ai décidé, après avoir tenté le webmastering et le développement web, de me spécialiser plutôt dans le SEO naturel, local et global, car je sentais que l'importance de Google prenait de l'ampleur auprès du grand public souhaitant exprimer ses compétences sur internet, donc se démarquer, en étant visible autour de mots clés saisis par les internautes. La stratégie digitale pour le SEO se concentre sur un choix de mots pour lesquels on veut être trouvé. Ensuite reste à savoir quand et combien de temps on veut être vu, et puis surtout de quelle manière et dans quel but. Une fois tout cela établi reste l'incontournable: il vous faudra de la rédaction web efficace, utile, pertinente, et enfin assez visible, de manière à démultiplier vos audiences réelles et convertibles.

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