
Customers who bought wet and wavy hair usually complain about how to keep looking like before after washing their Curly Wigs. In fact, all people with wavy or curly hair always have the same problems, but why some people don’t complain, and their wave and the curl also look beautiful even they wash the hair many times. In fact, for a beautiful wavy or curly hairstyle, it always depends on how we could take good care of it. Julia Hair Wigs are the professional hair factory, we are not only know how to make a hair extension but also could tell our customers how to keep the wave and curl after washing the hair. Hair tells you all secret and help you on how to take care and keep your wavy and curly hair.

1. After washing hair, we will find the wave and Human Hair Wigs will become a straight hair or very loose, not as beautiful as before. Please don’t worry. First, please dry the hair gently with a towel. Remember don’t dry very strongly, because the hairs cuticle is open when the hair is wet, it is easy to break the hair when dry strongly.

2. When there is no water drop from the hair, please use a cold wind or let the hair dry naturally in the air. But please remember, don’t let the hair completely dry, just leave it is a little wet, then put some hair care oil on your hand and knead it by your hands.

3. When the hair care oil is evenly on your hands, please smear on your hair, remember, please use your fingers to comb and go through your hair, from end to top, there is no need to put to much oil on the top, we need more natural on the top. And the wave and the curl usually need to be kept better and better from top and end. The oil is smeared more evenly, and then the wavy and the curly will be more beautiful. And during the time when you smear the hair, please also roll the hair evenly by your hand, don’t go straightly.

4. Then after you finish smearing the oil, and then please putting hair spray to fix the wavy and the curly, also need to spray evenly. Please remember not to use too much.

5. Last, please dry the hair completely, for this Step, please remember you can’t use a wind to blow the hair divergent, so this is very important for you to just use a hair blow with a wavy or curly dryer. Please see the photo below for kind. This one could be dry and fix the wavy and curly very well.

6. And don’t forget to deep conditioning the hair every 2 weeks. This is to give nutrition to the hair to keep it well, not easy to feel dry. Then we will no have problems with tangle and shedding.

Please follow all these steps on how to keep your curl on your wig, then you will be never having problems on the wavy and curly hair after washing. Julia hair is professional, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

if you want to learn more information about how to take care of hair weaves, please visit Julia hair website:

Many customers are asking how to care for their wigs, here we summered up 10 tips that may help you better care and store your wig.

1. Detangle before washing with a wide teethed comb from hair ends to root. Never comb roughly from the hair root, that will cause shedding.

2. Wash your wig 1 to 3 times a week if you wear it every day or every few wearings as needed. Dirty hair is not manageable and will be tangled which will cause shedding.

3. Never use hot water or cold water when washing. Hot water may loosen the wig construction, and cold water is not good for removing the dirt.

4. Always rinse human hair wigs with the water flowing in the same direction of the hair to avoid matting and tangles.

5. When washing, pay special attention to the area around the face which may accumulate dirt, oil, and makeup.

6. Never twist or rub your wig vigorously while washing or drying.

7. Always use sulfate-free care products formulated for chemically processed hair to wash and style your human hair wigs to keep the hair soft and manageable.

8. To avoid stretching the cap, never place a wet wig on a mannequin or Styrofoam head. A folding wig stands or a tall can of hairspray make the best drying platforms.

9. Have two wigs ready to wear at all times. This way when you are washing one wig, you have a back up which is ready to go. Plus, rotating between wigs also helps to extend the life.

10. If you would like to store your wig, make sure that your wig is washed and totally dry, and put into the black net when we shipped with your wig. Do not apply any product when your wig is not in use.

Very useful tip: When storing your long hair wigs, detangle it and braid it into one or two braids, this will avoid your wig in a mass.

if you want to learn more information about how to take care of hair weaves, please visit Julia hair website:

There are many methods to do it, but one of the safest is the sew-ins. So human hair bundles also called sew in hair extensions. As opposed to using glue, or the bonding method that is done with fusions, your Human Hair Wigs are completely protected while applying a sew-in. Learn the safe and correct way to apply human hair extensions to your hair by using a needle and thread.

1. Start with a clean and conditioned head of Brazilian Hair, of course; you can choose Peruvian hair, Malaysian hair, Indian hair, or other hair texture you like. Sew-in weaves are usually left in for about 3 to 4 weeks. Your scalp will accumulate oil, therefore you need to have as little product on the hair and scalp as possible.

2. Cornrow your 360 Lace Frontal. Cornrows are braids that go straight to the back. You can also try braiding the hair in a circle around the head. Either way, you will need to create several of them, because each braid will be used to hold a hair track or weft. If you are going for bangs with this look, braid the hair in a circular pattern.

3. Decide how wide you would like the hairpieces to be before you sew them in. They don’t have to be the entire length of the braids themselves. Take a needle and thread it, just like you would do if you were sewing an article of clothing.

4. Take the hair track and place it on top of the braid as close to the scalp as possible. Use the needle and thread, and begin to sew the track lining onto the braid. Make sure the thread is the same color as your hair, and that the thread is firmly pulled. Continue to do this over the entire head. Once your done applying a track, cut the thread as close as possible to the top of the track lining.

5. Comb out the newly applied hair, and check for empty spaces. Check to see if the track lining is visible. If there is a thinness to your hair, apply another layer to that particular spot. You can do this by sewing another track onto one that you have already applied to. Fullness is key.

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